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ContactI mostly appreciate that my student is so loved and supported by many wonderful teachers/staff there. It feels like home for her. And that she is given the opportunity to follow her interests and get credit for it.
Avalon advisors earned my trust by engaging my passions and interests. They harnessed my strengths and talents to help me explore a world of knowledge and opportunities confidently, and skillfully.
I love the small size and the limited amount of stressful transitions year-to-year (keeping the same advisor throughout middle school, high school; being in the same building for 6-12). I love that both of our children have the opportunity to explore their interests and to love learning again. Most of all, I love that both of my children are seen and valued for who they are and are treated as whole complex people.
Graduating from Avalon helped be take accountability for my success. The project based education I recieved was invaluable in my real world experience as an adult. Even when I didn't do the work because I thought it was beyond me, every teacher empowered me and believed in my success.