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Avalon Email

Access to Avalon's student email accounts.
Avalon School Email

Avalon Merchandise

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Google Classroom

Use this link to access Google Classroom
Google Classroom

Headrush (HS)

This is the link to Avalon's High School Headrush page.
Headrush (HS)

Headrush (MS)

This is the link to Avalon's Middle School Headrush page.
Headrush (MS)

Infinite Campus

This is the student portal for Infinite Campus, where grades for seminars are often housed.
Infinite Campus Gradebook


This is where students can access St. Paul's LibraryGo using their Avalon accounts.

Make a Payment

Use PayPal to make a payment.
Make a Payment

Project Materials

Google Drive Folder with Templates of Reflections, Brainstorms, and other important documents.
Project Process Materials

Updates & Events

Updates & Events
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Students, Families, & Staff


10/10 would go to high school there again.


Survey, 2023

Avalon encourages students who are committed to learning to meet and exceed their goals. For example, I graduated with almost 50 credits at the end of my senior year. I frequently exceeded my goals on the time I spent working on my learning through projects.


Survey, 2023

Avalon's flexible schedule allowed me to take PSEO as a sophomore, saving me so much money for my AA degree.


Survey, 2023

Helpful with accommodating and being supportive of needs that I would not have been able to succeed without. Avalon was willing to accommodate me in ways that allowed me to succeed and have an equal education when I otherwise would not.


Survey, 2023