Visit Avalon

Visit Avalon
Avalon School is an award-winning public school that has been serving students in St. Paul and beyond for over 20 years. Come visit!
Use the Tabs at the top to learn about each option.
It is not required to visit - choose what works best for your family!
Open House
Dates available on the tab above!
See 'Tours' Tab above for summer tour opportunities.
Students can choose to experience a day-in-the-life of an Avalon student for a few hours.
Open Houses
Open Houses begin with a presentation about project-based learning at Avalon.
Staff members from the middle school, high school, and special education department will be present and there will be an opportunity to ask questions.
Thursday, November 7, from 6:30-8:00pm
Tuesday, January 14, from 6:30-8:00pm
Saturday, February 8, from 10:30am-12:00pm
Tuesday, March 11, from 6:30-8:00pm
Tuesday, April 15, from 6:30-8:00pm
Saturday, December 12, from 10:30am-Noon
Monday, February 10, from 6:30-7:30pm
Link Here!

Tour Avalon
Come for a short, guided tour with one of our staff and see Avalon in action! Get your questions answered, talk to a few students, and meet some staff.
High School
Tours happen most weeks. Days/times depend on the week. Sign up and pick a date that works for you using the form below, or visit the Parent Portal.
Middle School
Tours are scheduled for every other Tuesday at 2:45pm. Sign up using the form below or visit the Parent Portal.
Student Shadows
Students can join us for a portion of the day.
Shadow dates in the high school are on Thursdays from 9-11:30am. In the middle school, we accept shadows on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, from 9-11am.
(Note: if you have a MS and HS student shadowing at the same time, we can adjust the times to coordinate one pick up!).
(Additional Note: Shadowing is NOT required - it is an optional way to get a feel for the school.)
Sign up for a shadow experience using the form below or through our Parent Portal.

Sign Up
Use the form below to sign up for an Open House, a guided tour, or a Shadow Experience for your student.
Please let us know.
Email: Enrollment@avalonschool.org
My advisors encouraged me to actively engage in the political process rather than sit on the sidelines just because I was too young to vote. As a result, I spent part of my sophomore year working on a political campaign with another student and utilized that volunteer experience towards meeting civic & government standards. One of the candidates we helped to elect won by only a small handful of votes. Avalon empowered us to get involved with our community and helped us to be the change we wanted to see in the world.
Avalon advisors earned my trust by engaging my passions and interests. They harnessed my strengths and talents to help me explore a world of knowledge and opportunities confidently, and skillfully.
I love the SPED services, the project-based learning is awesome, I love how invested the teachers are, and the diversity of the community
It has given our child the chance to be “seen” and to make mistakes in a smaller environment.